Past Seasons
[Listed by show number, guest and topic]
Season One
- Mark A. Rayner (Star Wars)
- Joe Mahoney (The Mermaid’s Tale)
- Douglas Smith (Isle of the Dead)
- Susan Rodgers (Setting Day)
- Sherry Ramsey (The Traveler)
- Ira Nayman (O Lucky Man!)
- Mike McCormick (Appalachian Spring)
- Robert Chazz Chute (The Color of Light)
- Melissa Yuan-Innes (A Grimm Night)
- Corey Redekop (Lifeforce)
- Joe & Mark (Cat’s Cradle)
- Arlene F. Marks (Children’s Games)
- John Corcelli (George Carlin)
- Nina Munteanu (The Overstory)
- Tim Blackmore (Alien)
- Krista Wallace (Tunnel Vision)
- David Perlmutter (Power Puff Girls)
- Paula Johanson and Celu Amberstone (Maps and Music)
- Michèle Laframboise (Grass)
- Frank Faulk (Songs of Innocence and of Experience)
- Greg DeClute & Trish Thornton (Adventures in the Radio Trade)
Season Two
- Matt Watts (Hichhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)
- Brian Wyvill (Sonata Pathétique)
- Benoit Chartier (Akira)
- Penn Kemp (Poets in Collaboration)
- Gerard Pas (The Camouflaged Piano)
- Robert Charles Wilson (The Time Machine)
- Karina Bates (The Eye of Horus)
- David Brin (Machines of Loving Grace)
- Saul Rubinek (The Plays of Edward de Vere)
- Terry Fallis (Paris in the 20s)
- Teresa Alfeld (Doug and the Slugs)
- Timothy S. Johnston (The Thing)
- Tanya Davis (Dirty Dancing)
- Jeff Preston (Christmas Evil)
- Mark Kearney (Al Christie’s Know Thy Wife)
- Steve Rosen (Hear About It Later)
- D. G. Valdron (Doctor Who Fandom)
- Noah JD Chin (Babylon 5)
- Mark Leiren-Young (Spider-Man)
- Robert J. Sawyer (Planet of the Apes)
- Mark & Joe (Season Two Recap)
Season Three
- Ben Fox (Native Son)
- Candas Jane Dorsey (Crab Village)
- John Scalzi (Ambient Electronic Music)
- John Scalzi, The Prequel (Torcon 3)
- Catherine Fitzsimmons (Chrono Trigger)
- Michael Antman (René Magritte)
- Jenn Thorson (Alice in Wonderland)
- Ira Nayman (Duck Soup)
- Abigail Grimes (Fahrenheit 451)
- Bruce Sterling (The Versifier)
- Blair Young (Little Shop of Horrors)
- Tom Bradley (Nick Patterson)
- Hugh Spencer (The War of the Worlds)
- Lisa Brandt (The Gates)
- Tony Schwartz (The Wire)
- Robert Runte (Yellowface)
- Soul Twin Messiah (Imagine and Depeche Mode)
- Christopher Guerin (Ravi Shankar)
- Peter Darbyshire (The Chronicles of Amber)
- Jen Prince (Veronica Mars)
- Ruth Abernethy (her work)
- Cathi Bond (The Very Thought of You)
- Lauren LoGrasso (Billy Joel’s Vienna)
- Spencer Evans (Ray Charles)