Episode 42: Season Two Recap

Tom Hanks, smiling for the camera at the Elvis premier
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It’s a short episode this week as Joe and Mark finish up the second season of Re-Creative.

Joe quizzes Mark on how he feels about the podcast so far, and whether he wants to continue.

The answer is a resounding “yes!”

So, what dream guests would Mark like to have on the show? The singular Tom Hanks. It’s a crazy ambition, but who knows, stranger things have happened.

Both Joe and Mark would be keen to talk about typewriters, one of the actor’s passions. And as Mark says, “We can’t guarantee much, but we can guarantee a good hang.”

They also discuss how often the topic of time travel has come up in the show, and wonder if perhaps they should devote a longer episode to the concept. Hmmm…

All-in-all, both co-hosts love doing the show. Expect Season Three in the spring!

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the cover art for A Time and a Place by Joe Mahoney and Alpha Max by Mark A. Rayner

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