Would you like to be a guest on Re-Creative?
We do ask you to do a bit of homework. You must be prepared to champion a piece of art, preferably something we haven’t covered already (see Past Seasons for a full listing). That art can be almost anything: a book, movie, TV show, sculpture, song, map, carving, anything at all so long as it can be considered “art,” ideally informs your own work, and is something you can talk about knowledgeably.
We will not interview you per se; we will have a conversation with you, and that conversation will stem from the “art” that you have chosen and want to discuss with us. Absolutely we’ll talk about you and your own work, but all that is secondary to the conversation we’ll have about the art that you would like to tell us all about.
We can’t book everyone who reaches out to us, but we promise to consider each and every proposal, and you will hear back from us one way or another.