The lads are joined by writer, director, comic book artist and creator Christian Gossett.
Christian is on the show to champion the groundbreaking Akira Kurosawa film, Seven Samurai (1954). But first, because it’s near the holidays, they discuss their favorite Christmas movies. (Surprisingly, Christmas Evil didn’t come up on anyone’s list.)
He got an early chance to design for the Star Wars universe Old Republic, and, as part of that process, created the double-bladed lightsaber. As he did this work, he did a deep dive into George Lucas’s influences.
One of those was Seven Samurai.
The movie has had a huge influence on Christian’s work, including how he frames his art:
“Even to this day, I’m constantly being asked by my collaborators to make it not so big,” Christian says. “Especially on a live action film, as it’s so expensive.”
Christian is more than a fan of Kurosawa — he’s deeply engaged with the director’s process and history and is knowledgeable about both.
If you enjoy the Star Wars universe, the work of Kurosawa, and how those two worlds tie together, don’t miss this episode!
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At the age of 13, Christian Gossett landed his first job in entertainment. He was his Little League’s official announcer and scorekeeper. This work taught him how to thrill live audiences (and keep detailed stats). He’s been a professional storyteller ever since.
With a background in film, TV, videogames, and graphic novels, Gossett is at home with many narrative formats and technologies.
He’s a director, writer, and works as a story artist. He brings a thrilling and inspiring vision to all of this art.
He’s worked on shows for George Lucas, Peter Jackson, Tim Burton, directed episodes for the CW network, and, as a video game scribe, wrote dialogue for Bruce Willis and Bruce Campbell for Activision.
He’s been a story consultant on one of Lionsgate’s major franchises for a 2025 release. You can currently see his work on Netflix, with the epic TWILIGHT of the GODS.
Gossett also contributed to Marvel’s much anticipated Disney+ original animated series EYES of WAKANDA.

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