View on Zencastr Ruth Abernethy, sculptor of some of the most iconic public art in Canada, joins the podcast to discuss her work. Ruth has been a sculptor for more than thirty years, documenting in bronze many quintessential Canadian figures, such as Glenn Gould [pictured left], Oscar Peterson, and Margaret Atwood. Joe used to walk…
View on Zencastr Editor and writer Robert Runte joins Mark and Joe on the podcast to encourage everyone to read R. F. Kuang’s satire of the publishing industry, Yellowface. Robert is a long-term science fiction reader and for many years a reviewer and critic. That turned into a new role when one of the small…
View on Zencastr Mark kicks off the podcast with a diabolical question for Joe and their guest, renowned Canadian science fiction writer, Robert J. Sawyer. “If you could write – and consume – only one of these genres of science fiction, what would you pick? Space opera. Post-Apocalyptic. Or Cyberpunk?” Everyone has an answer and…
View on Zencastr Joe and Mark are joined by beloved and bestselling Canadian author, Terry Fallis. Terry’s fiction has won the Leacock Medal for Humour twice, and his debut novel, Best Laid Plans, won Canada Reads in 2011. The annual CBC competition had a huge impact on his sales figures for that novel: more than…
View on Zencastr Joe and Mark are joined by the visual artist, Gerard Pas, to discuss the work of Greg Curnoe. Gerard was born in The Netherlands and immigrated to Canada with his parents when he was a boy. He first met Curnoe when he was an art student at H.B. Beal. Then he moved…
Cape Breton speculative fiction writer Sherry D. Ramsey joins Mark and Joe to discuss a painting that has been “lost” to her, The Traveler.