View on Zencastr Editor and writer Robert Runte joins Mark and Joe on the podcast to encourage everyone to read R. F. Kuang’s satire of the publishing industry, Yellowface. Robert is a long-term science fiction reader and for many years a reviewer and critic. That turned into a new role when one of the small…
Joe and Mark are joined by the famed cyberpunk author Bruce Sterling, from his studio in Torino (Turin), Italy. The discuss Primo Levi’s prophetic AI, The Versifier.
The lads are joined by writer and poet, Abigail Grimes, so they can discuss the classic Ray Bradbury novel, Fahrenheit 451.
View on Zencastr Author and critic Michael Antman joins Joe and Mark for a wide-ranging discussion about visual arts and writing. Michael started out as a poet. After switching to fiction, he’s had two novels published by indie presses: Cherry Whip and Everything Solid Has A Shadow. He likes to explore themes of self-knowledge in…
View on Zencastr Joe and Mark are joined by the super successful and super-fun science fiction writer, John Scalzi. Scalzi tells the lads about how he almost missed his first WorldCon, in Toronto, 2003, because he forget his passport at the airport. He rushed there just in time to sit on his first panel, where…
View on Zencastr Mark and Joe chat with the Canadian poet and science fiction doyenne, Candas Jane Dorsey. Candas is well-known in Canadian science fiction circles for her work as a novelist (Black Wine, A Paradigm of Earth) and editor-in-chief of The Books Collective, which included River, Slipstream and Tesseract Books. They start the conversation…
View on Zencastr Mark kicks off the podcast with a diabolical question for Joe and their guest, renowned Canadian science fiction writer, Robert J. Sawyer. “If you could write – and consume – only one of these genres of science fiction, what would you pick? Space opera. Post-Apocalyptic. Or Cyberpunk?” Everyone has an answer and…
View on Zencastr The lads are joined by Noah Chinn, a Canadian writer of SFF, contemporary fiction and retro mysteries. (The latter two under the pen-name Noah J.D. Chinn.) Mark kicks off the podcast by asking Joe and Noah if there was anything weird happening to their hair in the 90s, which is also when…
View on Zencastr Joe and Mark are joined by Canadian writer of futuristic and contemporary mystery/thrillers, Timothy S. Johnston. They discuss the classic 1982 science fiction horror movie, The Thing. Directed by John Carpenter and starring Kurt Russell, watching The Thing was a pivotal moment in Timothy’s life. “It was a watershed moment for me!”…
View on Zencastr Mark and Joe jump around in time with Nebula- and Hugo-Award winning author, Robert Charles Wilson. Robert brings H. G. Wells to the podcast, with a discussion of how fascinating it would be to see what happens in the future – an idea that had some impact on how he became a…