Episode 8: The Color of Light

Cover art for: the color of light (a novel) by william goldman -- ethereal blue and white background with a hint of human faces
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Joe and Mark talk to author Robert Chazz Chute about his work and one of his greatest influences, well-known author and screenwriter William Goldman, focussing on Goldman’s novel The Color of Light

While many may recognize William Goldman’s name as the screenwriter who wrote the Oscar-winning scripts for Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and All the President’s Men, and as the author of the book and movie of the beloved The Princess Bride, Robert loves Goldman’s lesser-known novels.

They discuss Robert’s anti-authoritarian streak, an attitude that Goldman himself had, especially when it came to dealing with Hollywood producers. In the wide-ranging conversation, they talk about Goldman’s masterful novel, how to deal with bad reviews, and the power of pen names.

Robert also describes the magic of making hypnagogic state – the transitional state between sleep and consciousness – work for him as an artist.

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Robert Chazz Chute writes full time from his blanket fort in Other London (London, Ontario).

A graduate of the University of King’s College journalism program, he studied book and magazine publishing at the Banff School of Fine Arts. He has worked as a crime reporter, science journalist, editor, book doctor, speechwriter, and magazine columnist. The winner of fifteen writing awards, he pens apocalyptic epics with heart and killer crime thrillers with muscle.

His most-decorated work is Endemic, which has won four awards. In February 2023 it won first place in genre fiction from the North Street Book Award. It previously received a Literary Titan Award and first place at both the Hollywood Book Festival and the New York Book Festival.

He’s also written the bestselling trilogy, This Plague of Days, which has been ranked as one of the best zombie books by Bestadvisor.com.

For a full list of all Robert’s work, join his inner circle at AllThatChazz.com.

Robert Chazz Chute promotional photo -- his head about his name, with blood spattered on it

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