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Editor and writer Robert Runte joins Mark and Joe on the podcast to encourage everyone to read R. F. Kuang’s satire of the publishing industry, Yellowface.
Robert is a long-term science fiction reader and for many years a reviewer and critic. That turned into a new role when one of the small presses he reviewed, Five Rivers, asked him to become one of its editors. That’s how he became Joe’s editor for A Time and a Place.
The three discuss the nature of editing. “Most publishing houses work off the Chicago Manual of Style,” Robert says, “mainly because it was the first style guide for books.”
Robert outlines how he approaches the art of editing with different writers.
Then they move on to R. F. Kuang’s Yellowface, which Robert loved. He recommends that everyone listen to the audiobook version of the novel because the actor, Helen Glazer, picks up all the subtleties of the story. Robert says the Glazer does such a good job of showing you the narrator’s point of view that she gets the reader through the most cringe-inducing and tough bits of satire.
The novel is a satire, tackling cultural appropriation and plagiarism in the publishing industry.
“The only consistent thing in the book is that everybody is awful. They’re just terrible people,” Robert says.
“If you’re a writer or you want to be a writer, you HAVE to read this book!”
A fun read and a fun conversation!
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Robert Runté, PhD, is currently Senior Editor with EssentialEdits.ca and SFeditor.ca; before that he was Senior Editor at Five Rivers Publishing.
He has provided developmental editing on more than thirty traditionally published books, primarily speculative fiction. He also spent over thirty years as a professor at the University of Lethbridge and before that spent a decade as a Test Development Specialist (i.e., developmental editor) with Alberta Education. As an academic, editor, reviewer, and organizer, Robert has been actively promoting Canadian SF for nearly forty years.
He was a founding Director of NonCon, Context89, and SFCanada; and has served on the Boards of the Edmonton Science Fiction and Comic Arts Society, On Spec Magazine, Tesseract Books, The Writers Guild of Alberta, and the WordBridge conference. In addition to dozens of conference papers, journal articles, book chapters, and a half dozen entries in the Encyclopedia of Literature in Canada, Robert has edited 149 issues of various SF zines.
He’s also published more than eighty short stories.
In 2019 he inherited 10+ incomplete manuscripts from the late, great fantasy author Dave Duncan to finish and publish. The first two of these are The Traitor’s Son and Corridore to Nightmare, now out from Shadowpaw Press in 2024.

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